Installation of Windows Server 2008 STEP BY STEP
1. Press F12 for BIOS
2. Go to System Setup
3. Set boot sequence to CD/DVD as 1st booting Drive
4. Go to Drives Sections
i. Set SATA Operation ATA
ii. In Drives Section, Set SATA 1
5. After these settings, click on Apply.
6. Exit BIOS setting now
7. Enter Windows Server DVD
8. Press Any Key to continue the setup.
9. Click on Install Now button.
10. Click on “I accept the Agreement” and click on Next.
11. Go to Custom Advance setting.
12. Click the partition (Partition 0 or C:\).
13. Click on advance setting below and you will see features like delete partitionon, format
14. Click on Format.
15. Click Next and follow the instructions.
16. After some time you will finish with installation.
Once you finish the installation, To disable IE ESC for all users
1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer.
2. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
3. If a User Account Control dialog box appears, click Continue.
4. Under Security Summary, click Configure IE ESC.
5. Under Administrators, click Off
6. Under Users, click Off
7. Click OK.